Internet Marketing Master Plan If you are hoping to make money from an internet business then I have a plan for you. It’s completely free with my compliments. If this seems a lot to take in then, if you do nothing else, go to step 3 and download the free software. It is an amazing, completely free, video creation package. …
The Rules of Social Media
Pause for a moment and think about something for a minute. Is there anything you can really be successful at without following some “rules”? I know what you are thinking, entrepreneurs are meant to “break rules” instead of follow rules right? Wrong! In my opinion there are just some times when you have to follow rules and Social Media is …
How to succeed on Facebook – Video
This is a recording of a webinar from the SMB team at Facebook. Even if you think you know all there is to know about setting up a Facebook account and pages, there are continuous updates and this video has some excellent suggestions as well as an interesting case study.
10 Little Known Social Media Tools You Should Be Using
Social media is everywhere. It’s in our homes, places of worship, schools and, of course, our businesses. Everywhere you look, people are using social media and are talking about it. And it seems that every week a new type of social site pops up. And as the number of social networking sites grows, so does the number of services that …
A Review of The Best Twitter Apps
Tweetdeck Tweetdeck is now owned by Twitter, Tweetdeck is the Twitter app for power users: its multi-column view and powerful filters enable you to keep on top of what matters to you, scheduled tweets enable you to pre-plan posts and you can use as many Twitter accounts as you can create. Tweetdeck is free. Sprout Social Sprout Social allows businesses …
Twitter and Search Engine Optimization
1. Don’t use all 140 characters available for a tweet. Allow 15-20 unused characters at the end of the tweet. This makes sure that your tweets are not cut short and you lose valuable keywords when a user shares your tweet via “RT @username,”. Twitter data indicates that 120-130 character tweets have the highest click through rates. 2. Choose a …
Why You Should Publish Your Ebook On Amazon
Why not let a big company like Amazon sell your ebook for you? You will probably need to consider a sub $10 price tag to suit the Amazon market place but the sales volumes are potentially enormous. Amazon have over 200 million credit cards on file They are willing to share their customers They are the largest buyer search engine …
The 10 Best Ways To Increase Your Facebook Page Likes
The best way to get your fans to talk about your content is to understand what your audience cares about. You should visit Page Insights regularly to track which posts resonated with your audience and generated the most engagement, then post more of this type of content. No matter how engaging your Page posts are, not all of your fans …