Internet Marketing Master Plan

Ralph PriceAdvertising, Business, Email Marketing, Internet Marketing, Product Creation, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Traffic Generation, Video Marketing, Viral Marketing

Internet Marketing Master Plan

If you are hoping to make money from an internet business then I have a plan for you. It’s completely free with my compliments.

If this seems a lot to take in then, if you do nothing else, go to step 3 and download the free software. It is an amazing, completely free, video creation package. No strings, no catches.

Here’s the Master Plan.

Check out who I say I am

My best advice is never do business with anyone that you cannot background check in some way.  This is from personal experience from my last thirty years dealing with local and online businesses. Feel free to connect with me – my personal email address on LinkedIn is

Check out the business website

We have been in business since 2006, mainly creating corporate videos and websites for small and medium sized businesses. Talking about videos, the next step in the plan is to get hold of some software that is a game changer in the video marketing world. We used ity on the home page of our business website that you might have just looked at.

Download Easy Sketch Pro 3.0 software for free

[eafl id=”1031″ name=”Easy Sketch Pro 3.0″ text=”Easy-Sketch-Pro-3.0″]

Watch the video to understand the power of the videos that you can produce in minutes.

You will need to supply your name and email address, then you will receive an email from me with login details to the website so you can download the software and the activation code.

It is the full product with image libraries and backing tracks, so there is never any purchase to make. You will have unlimited full use and it really is completely free so, no subscriptions or anything like that.

This is run by MyDotComBusiness which is probably the best startup site on the internet for online marketing. They give this product away for free but they also sell it. They use a Fremium marketing strategy similar to companies like Adobe and Malwarebytes.

Download YouTube Marketing 3.0 video training for free

This is a really useful overview but not hands on training like the next two steps.

[eafl id=”1033″ name=”YouTube Marketing 3.0″ text=”YouTube Marketing 3.0″]

Again you will need to supply your name and email address. Your download password is emailed to you.

Sign up for the free ‘One Penny Per Visitor’ video training (MyDotComBusiness again).

[eafl id=”1034″ name=”One Penny Per Visitor” text=”One Penny Per Visitor”]

Watch the video. This is the same website as for the software so use the same email address.

Sign up for the free Instagram Tsunami training (MyDotComBusiness).

[eafl id=”1035″ name=”Instagram Tsunami” text=”Instagram Tsunami”]


Take Action

You now have all the tools and the knowledge you need. So time to TAKE ACTION. It is down to you to put in some hours work and get it done. This is where 99%+ of people fail.

If you need more tools, or more training or a bunch of products that you can sell (including the Easy Sketch Pro software that normally sells for $29 – $47) then you can go the and do their Pro Upgrade – follow my link below – this will cost you $77, but, please watch the presentation video and understand exactly what you get for your money, I think you will be surprised.

[eafl id=”1036″ name=”MyDotComBusiness Pro Upgrade” text=”MyDotComBusiness Pro Upgrade”]

Thanks for taking time to look at this.  It really can be a game changer.

To your online success,

Ralph Price

On behalf of Paul Lynch at My Dot Com Business and Global Web Products Ltd