Internet Marketing Master Plan If you are hoping to make money from an internet business then I have a plan for you. It’s completely free with my compliments. If this seems a lot to take in then, if you do nothing else, go to step 3 and download the free software. It is an amazing, completely free, video creation package. …
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Social Networking
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about knowing where to focus your efforts for the biggest payback. The best strategies are constantly changing as the Search Engine algorithms change. This article describes the current (November 2013) most influential areas for marketing activity and should remain relevant for some time, bar any major changes in Search Engine strategy. There are four …
Twitter and Search Engine Optimization
1. Don’t use all 140 characters available for a tweet. Allow 15-20 unused characters at the end of the tweet. This makes sure that your tweets are not cut short and you lose valuable keywords when a user shares your tweet via “RT @username,”. Twitter data indicates that 120-130 character tweets have the highest click through rates. 2. Choose a …