This is a recording of a webinar from the SMB team at Facebook. Even if you think you know all there is to know about setting up a Facebook account and pages, there are continuous updates and this video has some excellent suggestions as well as an interesting case study.
10 Little Known Social Media Tools You Should Be Using
Social media is everywhere. It’s in our homes, places of worship, schools and, of course, our businesses. Everywhere you look, people are using social media and are talking about it. And it seems that every week a new type of social site pops up. And as the number of social networking sites grows, so does the number of services that …
The 10 Best Ways To Increase Your Facebook Page Likes
The best way to get your fans to talk about your content is to understand what your audience cares about. You should visit Page Insights regularly to track which posts resonated with your audience and generated the most engagement, then post more of this type of content. No matter how engaging your Page posts are, not all of your fans …