Why Email Is Still Such An Important Online Business Tool

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It turns out we all crave a good surprise.

Scientists at Emory and Baylor when conducting studies with
MRIs discovered that surprise is addictive to human beings.
What’s more researchers found a good surprise improves one’s
outlook and heightens emotions.

When you combine happiness with surprise, you make your
customer’s and/or prospect’s day. Those individuals remember
you and appreciate you much more!

Take your email marketing to the next level by trying
something new, different, or even surprising.

Surprise is an easy, hidden secret for email success.

In fact, I was recently surprised to learn that on average 50%
of a typical workers day, is spent on email. A total of 111
workdays in every year is used dealing with email. The reason
workers invest so much time in email is simple –

* Email is Trusted
* Email Satisfaction is High
* Email is Considered the Best Tool for Collaboration
* Email is used as an Easy File Storage Systems

A new Harvard Business survey of 2,600 workers in the U.S.,
UK, and South Africa
revealed some surprising statistics about
email that are worthy of review:

An average user receives 11,680 emails in a year. 74% of
email is junk that never reaches the in-box.

Email that arrives in an inbox is as follows:

14% Critical Work Email
28% Essential Email
24% Functional Work
16% Low Level Work
10% Personal
8% Spam

Overall people are satisfied with email and trust it.

25% Very Satisfied
45% Satisfied
23% Somewhat Satisfied
4% Somewhat Dissatisfied
2% Dissatisfied
1% Don’t Know

Email was selected numerous times as the best tool for
collaboration out of 10 different options.

60% Email to Individuals
34% Email to Lists
23% Email to Teams
19% Tele-Conferencing
8% Facebook
6% Business Collaboration Tool
4% LinkdIn
3% Twitter
15% Video / Web Conferencing
10% Instant Messaging

Email is still predominately accessed by workers on a
PC or Laptop.

60% PC / Laptop
11% Home PC
8% Mobile
5% Home Laptop
3% Home iPad/Tablet
13% Other

Email is used for more than just communication. Workers also
store important documents and communication using email.

Email is used to accomplish these tasks for workers.

76% Exchange Documents
69% Send Information to Groups
61% Improve Communication Across Time Zones
60% Account-Ability
59% Search for Information

When 93% of people indicate trust and satisfaction with email,
plus they spend 50% of their day in their email box –
it clearly shows emails dominance as a communication tool.
Make sure you’re using email to communicate with your
prospects and customers too.

Abbie Drew
DEMC Editor



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