This image was free to download in high resolution ( 2532px x 1868px ) from DreamTime
There are a lot of photo libraries on the internet like iStock but when you are posting regularly you need a lot of images and the costs can mount up. However, DreamTime have a ‘fremium’ business model that really works. You can download a lot of free images and sometimes pay for the ones that you really like but carry a cost. You can also bulk download at THE cheapest rate anywhere on the internet.
2 reasons why the DreamTime photo library is recommended
1. You can get some fairly decent free images in case your budget is tight
2. Later, if you find you need a lot of high resolution images then there is a $140 option that allows you to download 25 high resolution images every day for 30 days so you get 750 images as long as you remember each day. This works out at $0.19 each (12p) which for high res images, some of which sell for $10, is the best value on the internet. Lots of professionally shot images to be had. You do have to download every day so if you forget one day then you do not get that chance again. Even if you forgot half the time this is still a great deal.
Spend some time gathering some images. Buy credits if you need them. For websites, you only need the low res images (approx. 480 pixels wide) which is the cheapest option.
Gather images that reflect what you are offering, not where your potential customers are now. For example, if you were selling a product to help with depression you do NOT want images of depressed people, you want good lifestyle shots showing happy or at least contented people. Remember you are selling a dream or a solution.
Every article you post to your blog will need an accompanying photo so try and plan ahead for what you need.
Remember if you use the free images to post an acknowledgement to the photo library. In fact, turn it into an affiliate link, there is commission to be earned from every link away from your website. You can sign up for the Dreamtime affiliate program once you are a signed up member, just go to the About Us page look for the Referral link.