Learn How to Maximise Profits and Customer Growth on Facebook with Low-Cost, Highly-Targeted Advertising and Retargeting

You will be shown step by step strategies to identify potential customers for YOUR products and services on Facebook and then advertise directly to them at incredibly low rates so your profits are significantly higher.


This is a course run by a man that makes a six figure income using these techniques.  It is a very recent, reveal-all training session at a prestigious business school that gives you practical and professional strategies with no fluff and based on true real world experience.

You might wonder how one company can acquire over 16 million fans on its Facebook page so quickly. Starbucks did it, while their nearest competitor (a bigger company) only managed 1/10th of that figure, so its not down to drinking coffee.  it's down to 'knowing what to do'.

This training program provides real world experience from somebody with a deep understanding of Facebook and how it works, so, at the end of a few hours of intensive video training, you will know exactly what Starbucks did and Costa did not! It's not rocket science, but people tend to stick with what they know and that does not work with social media.


Regardless whether you are a local business owner, an affiliate marketer, E-commerce merchant, building your brand or anything else, you are about to learn the latest ins and outs of Facebook marketing and the state-of-the-art techniques that will bring the right customers to your website.

You don't make a six-figure salary by not practising what you preach!

So, learn directly from the man that not only makes it work for his own companies but teaches the best internet marketers out there, how to keep it working for their businesses too. There are far too many courses out there that are put together by people who have never made money using the techniques that they teach.  They simply read the Facebook business advice and hoover up all of the information they find on blogs and present it as their own. It rarely works.

It is likely that you are a business owner and you would like to have more cash coming through the door on a weekly basis. So, if you are sick of being let down by marketing agencies run by so-called “experts”, or bought a course from someone who just bodged it together from the internet, then you need this course.

Along with Google Adwords (used in the right way) Facebook is definitely a top choice for paid advertising. It can be set it up in minutes and is highly targeted.

Although it is not possible to identify who wants to buy right now, as you can with Google Adwords, it is still extremely profitable when you use the powerful profiling tools within Facebook in the right way.

This training course will show you effective strategies to make sure you get this right, instead of throwing your money away.

The original live session cost just over $2,000 to attend. Now you can get the whole event recorded on video for a fraction of the price.


What You Will Learn

  • Introduction to Facebook for business
  • Building Facebook community and business pages
  • Using the Facebook Ad platform to generate traffic
  • What you should and shouldn’t do to avoid being banned from Facebook
  • How to build an email list outside of Facebook
  • How to retarget so that your ads follow consumers that have expressed an interest in your service
  • How to upload retargeting code to your website
  • How you can help rank your business page on Google
  • How to create great killer ads with great click through rates
  • Step by step training on creating specific targeted ad campaigns to drive lots of traffic
  • Setting up your own shop in Facebook
  • Creating viral traffic
  • Effective posting techniques
  • How to use Facebook analytics and get the best out of your campaign
  • Why Facebook is a powerful tool for traffic generation for any business
  • Best practices for building niche audiences in Facebook
  • How to structure your posts to drive viral engagement with your pages
  • Strategies for making money from affiliate commissions using Facebook
  • How to use the Facebook advertising platform to reach your target audience with great accuracy
  • How to build an email list of highly targeted customers from Facebook pages
  • How to make your page stand out so that you leave the competition behind

30 Day, 100% Money Back
No Questions Asked

In the online world these days, you can’t always be sure of the value and quality of products. We understand that so…

Order the video training course today. Watch them. Learn from them. Use what you learn for 30 days. If you aren’t convinced this is everything that we’ve promised then…

…we would insist you contact us and we will rush you a refund of every penny of the purchase price.

No questions, no hassles – it’s that simple.


Get instant access to the entire video training now for just $37.

Just click the instant access button below to take advantage of this one time offer.

Bonus Instagram Marketing Course

As a bonus we are including an Instagram marketing guide which includes a cheat sheet, resources guide and mind map.

Instagram is owned by Facebook and you can advertise directly to Instagram using the Facebook ad manager. If you have not considered advertising on Instagram before then this guide will prove invaluable.

User engagement on Instagram is 15 times greater than Facebook and 20 times great than engagement among Twitter users…


P.S. This could be a game changer for your business, either using the Facebook platform to run your entire business or just advertising for customers and sending them to your existing business. You don't need to be technical but you do need to stay ahead of the competition.

P.P.S. Don’t forget your 30 day – no questions asked – 100% money back guarantee that makes this proposition entirely risk free.