Failing, My Way to Success

Ralph PriceUncategorized

I realised that I didn’t like authority when I was at school. My school was quite traditional and appointed other students to be prefects, which was not for me. I would react badly to being told what to do. It was probably a bad side to my character back then, but if anyone exercised authority my way, I made it a point to resist. My parents were quite strict when I was younger, but good people, so once I was fourteen or so, they left me to it. I had actually become a good student by then, but nothing that I studied over the following seven years contributed in any way to my bank balance.

Some years later, I spent four years as an employee in an airline IT department, but there were way too many judgements and assessments being passed down for me to feel comfortable. So, I went freelancing instead for seven years working in financial marketing until one day I realised I had worked 43 days without a break and hadn’t seen real daylight, or a green space in over a week. I quit and dropped out for a while, to go and live in Europe.

Eight years, two kids and a divorce later I returned home. Finding myself rescued by Tony Robbins and his Personal Power audio course, I decided to start helping people and launched start-up after start-up from being a therapist to a life coach (which were not great business models by the way as I was getting paid by the hour). This morphed into video producer, then to running a solar panel installation company until I finally ended up online because I wanted to ‘earn money while I was sleeping’. So, I launched an online food ordering business but that came with lots of online fraud and customer service problems. So, I moved into DVD sales, web design, and a whole stack of small business opportunities, but never reached the really big time that I was searching for. All of these failed the ‘success test’ as they ended up taking bigger and bigger chunks of my time, once again.

Then, one day, something strange happened. I woke up and realised that by accident I had all of the pieces of a puzzle. I knew how to write, how to advertise, how to make videos, how to create web pages, how to produce or source products, and I certainly knew how to collect money. The problem was putting all of the pieces together, in the right way, in the right order and … most importantly, doing it quickly enough so that I could test, fail and start again, often enough to succeed. That last thought is VERY important, because the most valuable lesson I have learned is persistence; that success comes after a lot of failure. If you want a job, you fill out a whole bunch of applications, not just one. If you want your book published then you send it to every publisher, because we all know stories about great books that were turned down many times. That all involves a lot of failure. The trick is to fail as fast as possible.  So, I looked for the people that had failed most and found Russell Brunson. Paradoxically, ‘failed most’ sounds like a reason to avoid someone, but, by then I knew that lots of failure meant that statistically, you just had to succeed at some point. As it turned out for Russell Brunson that amounted to over $100,000,000 of success.

My final problem was solved, Russell had that holy grail of fast failure I was looking for. So here I am. Happily failing my way to success with ClickFunnels. If any of this sounds vaguely familiar and you haven’t heard of ClickFunnels then this might well be your lucky day.

Find out about ClickFunnels here …